Country - Russia & former U.S.S.R.
Acta Est
Am Boden - By the ground - Ou zemli / Die Dämmerung - At dusk Soumerki
Boris Mikhailov
Boris Mikhailov - A retrospective / Eine Retrospektive
Case history
CCCP - Cosmic Communist Constructions Photographed
Kosmos: a Portrait of the Russian Space Age
Mer d'Aral - Les bateaux qui pleurent
Salt lake
Soviets - Pictures from the End of the USSR
The Hasselblad Award 2000
The Lost Vanguard: Russian Modernist Architecture 1922-1932
The Russian Avant-Garde book
Unfinished Dissertation : Or Discussions With Oneself
Zona - Siberian Prison Camps
Zones of Exclusion - Pripyat and Chernobyl