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Title: New York 73/77 : Des Ramones à Philip Glass : Cinq ans au coeur d'une ville en feu
Authors: Will Hermes
Publisher: Rivages
Year: 2014
ISBN: 978-2743627232
Language: French

In the mid-1970s, New York City was a laboratory where all the major styles of modern music were reinvented-all at once, from one block to the next, by musicians who knew, admired, and borrowed from one another. Crime was everywhere, the government was broke, and the city’s infrastructure was collapsing. But rent was cheap, and the possibilities for musical exploration were limitless. But rent was cheap, and the possibilities for musical exploration were limitless.
New York 73/77 is the first book to tell the full story of the era’s music scenes and the phenomenal and surprising ways they intersected.
Will Hermes was there and captured the creativity, drive, and full-out lust for life of the great New York musicians of those years, who knew that the music they were making would change the world.
New York 73/77 is also available in its original English version.

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