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Title: Ringolevio: Une vie jouée sans temps morts
Authors: Emmett
Publisher: L'échappée
Year: 2015
ISBN: 9782915830972
Language: French
Brand new French printing of Ringolevio, the memorable tale of
Emmett Grogan
the Diggers, the irreverent urban guerrillas anti masters and masters
of street theater who transformed the San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury
neighborhood from a seedy district of abandoned Victorian houses into
evanescent paradise on earth.
This classic traces the story of Emmett Grogan, a larger-than-life
sixties legend of great controversy, from the streets of New York to
the heights of the Haight.
Ringolevio : Une vie jouée sans temps morts is postfaced by
Alice Gaillard,
the French specialist of The Diggers. It is also available in English.
"It's Free because It's Yours".
Available: Amazon UK - FR - DE
Related: San
Francisco - New York
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