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Preservation without Permission: the Paris Urban eXperiment
Seminar by Lazar Kunstmann and Jon Lackman

Special correspondent in San Francisco

On tuesday November 13 02012, the Long Now Foundation invited Lazar Kunstmann and Jon Lackman for a seminar titled "Preservation without permission: the Paris Urban eXperiment". This talk was given at the Cowell theater, San Francisco.
Lazar Kunstmann is the spokespeople of l'UX, a clandestine French group which did clandestine film festivals with La Mexicaine De Perforation and restored the monumental clock of the Pantheon of Paris with the Untergunther while Jon Lackman is a journalist and writer who chronicled much of their work in the February print edition of Wired.
After Jon Lackman had read a text jointly prepared, the enthusiastic audience of more than 400 persons had the privilege to watch "Pantheon, user's guide" a film realized by Lazar Kunstmann.

Then Kunstmann and Lackman joined Stewart Brand of the Long Now Foundation on stage for a question and answer session.

This was the first time ever that Lazar Kunstmann agreeded to publicly talk about the UX activities.

Text and photos Marc Le Flour for

The Long Now Foundation
Video of the seminar
The New French Hacker-Artist Underground (Wired magazine)
Jon Lackman's web site

Pantheon, user's guide.
Film by Lazar Kunstmann.



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Swaz · Nov 17, 2012

Wish I were there !


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