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Title: Bunker Beleben
Authors: Edited by Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben
Publisher: Jovis
Year: 2015
ISBN: 9783868593631
Language: German
High-rise bunkers in German inner cities? These relics of the last war
play a minimal role these days in the perception of the city, even
though nationwide there are still hundreds of these high-rise bunkers,
which still represent relevant elements within the city fabric.
This calls for taking a closer look at this architectural resource,
also with regard to sustainable urban development. How can innovative
usage concepts be thought out that are appropriate for the buildings?
This publication, the result of a research project by the Federal
Institute for Real Estate Management and the Technical University
Dortmund, presents possible strategies and methods, based on already
realized or planned conversions, which provide architects, property
owners, and investors with a comprehensive toolbox for structural
approaches to high-rise bunkers.
Available: Amazon COM - UK - FR - DE - JP
Related: Germany
- Bunker