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Title: Ilôts Intemporels - Timeless Islands
Authors: Thomas
Publisher: Thomas
Year: 2010
ISBN: 9782746625006
Language: English,
Large format color photographs of abandoned places by Thomas Jorion.
"I travel the world with one idea in mind, to find and show timeless
islands. I choose to enter closed and abandoned places formerly alive,
and often places of leisure or prestige to capture and share them. My
fascination for the esthetic of abandoned places is the extension of an
older tradition. The Romantics enjoyed strolling amidst the ruins of
long lost civilizations. Centuries earlier, painters such as François
de Nome, Giovanni Battista Piranesi and
Hubert Robert dedicated part of their work to these
forgotten places. Somehow my photos are part of this process".
Available at:
Thomas Jorion
Jorion's website