Country - United States of America - Architecture
Brothels of Nevada - Candid views of America's legal sex industry
Charles Sheeler - Une modernité radicale
Delirious New York - A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan
Designs Underfoot - The Art of Manhole Covers in New York City
Fragile dwelling
Grain Elevators
Industry, architecture, and engineering - American ingenuity 17501950
Invisible New York - The Hiden Infrastructure of the City (Creating the North American Landscape)
Le patrimoine industriel des Etats-Unis
L'architecture et sa photographie
Manhattan Skyscrapers
Modernism Rediscovered
New York délire - Un manifeste rétroactif pour Manhattan
New York's forgotten substations - The power behind the subway
New York underground - Anatomie einer Stadt
The Photography of Charles Sheeler : American Modernist
Wood Burners
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